Belgians abroad and vaccinations

Vaccinations are running at full speed in Belgium. Do you live and work in a different country as an expat? Then you will probably get your vaccine in the country where you live, but you can also register to get your vaccine in Belgium. On the basis of a proposal of the Vaccination Taskforce, the Inter-Ministerial Conference on Public Health has approved some general principles on the vaccination of Belgians living abroad.
According to the principle of territoriality, Belgian citizens residing abroad will, to the possible extent, be vaccinated in their country of residence.
A. If you live in one of the countries/territories mentioned in this list and are registered at the local Embassy/Consulate General, you can pre-register for a vaccination during a stay in Belgium in the forthcoming months. The foreign spouse/partner and the foreign adult children of a registered Belgian citizen living in the same household (as attested in the National Register) will have the same access to vaccination as the Belgian citizen.
The local Embassy/Consulate General will send you information on the procedure.
According to the Taskforce Vaccination, in charge of the organization of the vaccination campaign in Belgium, the actual vaccination for Belgians residing in one of the countries on this list should be possible from June 2021 onwards, provided that the vaccination campaign continues as planned.
B. Belgian citizens residing in a country offering the same types of vaccines as those used in the Belgian vaccination campaign are invited to be vaccinated in the framework of the vaccination campaign of their country of residence.
However, if they have not had the opportunity to be vaccinated in their country of residence, or if practical considerations prevent them from being vaccinated in their country of residence, they will be able to apply to be vaccinated in Belgium, without being able to deviate from the order of priority established in the framework of the Belgian vaccination campaign.
The Taskforce has indicated that according to the provisional calendar, this possibility of vaccination could be envisaged from August 2021 onwards. More information will be provided once the competent authorities in Belgium have confirmed the procedure.
For more information contact the Federal Public Service of Foreign Affairs.